Friday, March 15, 2013

Beach Lazy

It has been a sunny filled week here Cape Town... Supposedly this time of year is the start to their fall so we have lucked out of a few days of beach weather.


Thursday March 15

Thursday we had "sun-downers" - their word for "happy hour" - at Camp's Bay. Would you believe I continually order red wine here? I've found my new favorite wine... Pinotage. Planning on bringing a couple bottles home with me!

A view of all the restaurants along Camp's Bay. You can see the 12 Apostles (mountains) in the back.
Sunset at Camp's Bay.

Tuesday & Wednesday - March 13 & 14

After work on Tuesday & Wednesday we went to Clifton Beach.  I had heard that it has been ranked one of the top beaches in the world.  It was very beautiful but I agree with the locals when they say it has too much clout.  The beautiful part about this beach in comparison to the others is all huge boulders scattered all over which break the beach into 4 sections.
Clifton's Beach - We actually saw 3 whales while laying there.

Mondary March 12

Monday I switched from the ED to Internal Medicine. It's still a lot of the same things but a little less hectic (thank goodness!). After work we finally picked up our rental car. It's a tiny compact Hyundai which will slightly diminish the chance of getting hit by one of the nut-job drivers out there. They seriously drive crazy... right over the median, through red lights, etc. Anyways, after we picked up our car we went to Camps Bay, a beach off the Atlantic. The Atlantic water is way too cold to swim in so we lounged in the sun for a couple hours. The scenery behind the beach is of the 12 Apostles, 12 mountain peaks lined up in a row.

Camp's Bay w/ the 12 Apostles in the background.

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