Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What a weekend!

Sunday March 17

St Patty's Day 2013!  It was a great day but I would have also enjoyed drinking Irish coffee and green beer all afternoon with Chad and friends :)

Sunday morning we jumped in our little Hyundai's and took off south for Cape Point/Cape of Good Hope.  Basically, it's the most southern tip of Africa and overlooks both the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.  It is a spectacular destination here in Cape Town.
Cape Point - on the right is the Atlantic Ocean, on the left is the Indian Ocean

After Cape Point we went to Boulder's Beach, named for the exact reason it sounds like.  The sun was out so we layed in the sand for a couple hours.  Towards the evening the penguins started to show up on our beach. 

Saturday March 16

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to head back downtown to various bazaars.  I spent quite a bit of money on items to bring home.  I'm still on the hunt for a few gifts I need to track down!

Later in the afternoon, we decided to do some sightseeing while downtown.  Below are some photos of government building, historic buildings, etc.  One thing I was really impressed with was a huge botanical garden located in the middle of downtown.  It was gorgeous.
The balcony above is where Nelson Mandela made his first public appearance and speech after his imprisonment.


Saturday night was the Cape Town Carnival.  It started out around 7pm with a parade of floats.  Later a few of us while wandering back to the car found the most darling restaurant tucked in a little alcove between buildings.  It was absolutely delicious.  I fully intend to go back again and indulge.
Cape Town Carnival

Friday March 15

We were lucky enough to get out of work early due to a slow day at Jooste.  Around noon we headed downtown to go to the Greenfield Square bazaar.  Basically, a big collection of tents w/ locals hackling you to buy their items for "good price."

Later on we showered (a rareity sometimes) and got ready to go back downtown to Long Street.  Long Street is basically their party street.  That is where you go here to "jol."  Jol = Party.  Party is considered a lame, old school term.  Long Street was fun... We went to dinner at Mama Africa and then went to Bob's Bar for most of the night.

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