Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Tuesday March 5, 2013

Clinic was OVERWHELMING to say the least.  The emergency department at my hospital is absolutely insane.  It's a big cluster you-know-what.  While driving to our hospital this morning, our driver told us we are working at "the gangster hospital."  He was right.

During this month I will likely see my fair share of burns, drug ODs, knife wounds, gun shots, etc.  Should be interesting. 

Will try and update you all soon!  

Monday March 4, 2013

Today gave me a whole new perspective on Cape Town…

This morning the other 3 girls (Hannah, Whitney, and Steph) arrived after a total travel time of 36 hours.  They were exhausted to say the least.

Shortly after they arrived, we were picked up for a tour of Cape Town given by a local historian.  She did an incredible job and taught us a great deal about the location, cultural history, and continued racial struggles.

Now I’m at the local coffee shop just down the road from our homestay… The only place nearby I can get internet.

Looking forward to starting clinic bright and early tomorrow… Wish me luck!

A small section of colorful housing in downtown CPT established by Dutch settlers.

Token group shot.
Example of housing within the Cape Flats.  These are some of the better conditions in those areas. Heartbreaking.

The kids literally jump all over you while visiting the flats. 

Abortions are advertised everywhere around the poor parts of the city.  Our tour guide told us that in some of the poverty stricken areas, it is known that girls will have had 3 abortions by the age of 14.  This is due to rape, drugs, cultural beliefs, etc.

More views of the flats.

This man had 3 consecutive dreams which told him one day he will make money from flowers... He makes beautiful metal flowers from old soda cans.

Cape Flats.

Sunday March 3, 2013

Today was an overall good day…   

I started it off by waking up and chatting with the Snyder’s.  They are such kind and faithful people.  Mr. Synder served as pastor at his local church this morning.  Mrs. Synder was happy to know I was “a Jesus believer”… she invited me to church next Sunday.

This afternoon Marion and Avril (CFHI Coordinators) picked us up for a mini-orientation.  I found out I will be working at GF Jooste Hospital here in Cape Town.  It is a hospital which serves at least 1.3 million people living in the Cape Flats, an area of extreme poverty here in town.  My area of work here will be in “Casualty” (emergency room).  Our program leaders told me I’ll see a lot of violent trauma come into Casuality due to the high drug addiction rates here in Cape Town.  They forewarned me of the rabid Crystal Meth addiction in the Cape Flats area, even among kids as young as 8 years old.  I haven’t had an ER rotation in the States, but I can only imagine how much this rotation will prepare me for that.

This evening Emily, Heather and I decided to go to the Waterfront.  We took a taxi around 8pm this evening.  It is absolutely beautiful by the water.  It made me wish more than anything that I could share this experience with my family and Chad.  I had some gelato from a stand on the boardwalk and topped the night off with a glass of wine while overlooking the Atlantic ocean.  Not too bad for a Sunday night.
Heather & Myself enjoying gelato.

V&A Waterfront in Downtown Cape Town

Looking at the Atlantic Ocean from V&A Waterfront.

Myself, Emily and Heather

The other girls (Hannah, Whitney, and Steph) fly in early tomorrow.  I’m looking forward to having other students here at my homestay real soon!

1 comment:

  1. How amazing!!! I absolutely LOVE reading this!! What an incredible experience -- BE Safe!!!
    We love and miss you so much!! Michael is walking and reading these days ;)
    BE SAFE (had to say it once more)
    Love you!
